Sunday, November 2, 2014

a little more halloween

Seriously though. Wasn't she the cutest little kitty cat?
She LOVED it! 

We had a really fun Halloween weekend. 
We got to see some family, go to a little party,
and take Piper trick-or-treating for the first time.
She caught on fast! :)

Trevor and I aren't super into Halloween, but its WAY more fun once
kids are around.
I took Piper, in her costume, on a few errands.
She was loving all of the attention.
But she kept telling people she was dressed as a "dinosaur" or a "lion".
Pretty much any animal except a cat.
She's a silly one.

We had a blast this weekend and are now getting ready for all the fun holidays ahead!
In other news, we got a new car.
Well, new to us.
As you know, Trevor's little car has been giving us a ton of trouble
and we are finally DONE with it.
Its a nice little black civic and we are really happy about it.

And, that's it!
Just heading into another busy week of violin lessons and play dates.
And trying to stay warm. Its getting cold around these parts.

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