Monday, May 14, 2018

Mother's Day 2018

I had such a wonderful Mother's Day with my sweet family. 
We had a nice morning before church with waffles and homemade
strawberry syrup. Yum! 

Then it was off to church where I taught the Beehives
with some help from Hayley. 
She fell off a table or something in nursery and wanted to hang with me. 
I was happy to have a buddy! 

After church, I enjoyed a wonderful nap!
Thanks, Trevor! 

We had a quick dinner and headed up to Bridal Veil Falls
in Provo Canyon. 

It looks like we had the place to ourselves, but it was still crowded
even though it was chilly!

It was so fun to just be outside together! 
We need to make more of an effort to do that. 

This guy up here is in his last 2 classes of his undergrad degree! 
We are so close we can almost taste it!
He has to finish these two classes before the end of month, 
so we are in crunch time and are feeling all that extra stress, 
so getting out of the house and enjoying some play time was 
really needed and a wonderful change of scenery!

I'm so lucky to have such a great little family! 
There are days and times that are really hard, 
but I adore them and love being their mom! 

I hope everyone else had a wonderful Mother's Day!
I had zero expectations, mostly because we are so busy with school, 
but it was just wonderful and relaxing and just what I needed! 

Happy, happy Mother's Day!

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