Monday, September 30, 2013

October Challenge

Hey All!

The lovely month of October is upon us!
Fall isn't my favorite time of the year, but I am enjoying not having the swamp cooler running.

For the next month, I have decided to challenge myself in a few different ways.
For one, I'm going to try going off sweets (candy, cookies, etc.) for the month.
This might be hard for me because candy corn is probably my favorite candy of all time,
but I think it will be good to just cut it all out for a while.

My other challenge is to read the entire Book of Mormon in the month of October.
I have tried this a few times, but I haven't been able to finish it in a month.
I always run out of steam....haha
But, this time I'm going to do it!
And I'm inviting anyone who wants to join in to do it with me.
Its 8 chapters a day.
It can be a lot sometimes, so I like to split it up and read 4 in the morning and 4 at night.

Wish me luck! 
Its going to be a difficult one, but I'm excited to start tomorrow!
Let me know if you are joining in with me. 

And because a post is never complete without a picture: 

photo by Keala Jarvis 
She's the best and is offering some awesome mini sessions this fall!
Everyone check her out!


Shirleybk said...

I'm afraid I won't be joining you on either the candy break or Book of Mormon challenge but good luck. I've actually gone through about a dozen bags of candy corn already and I'm just getting started:-)

Jocelyn said...

Good luck on your goals! They sound like really good ones. I hope you're staying cozy with all the colder weather. :)