Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Parenting Lately

I believe that each mother and father has an age or phase that they 
are better with than other ages. 
With their kids, I mean. 
For me, I'm much better with kids when they are little.
Bring me the tiny babies, the crawlers, the young toddlers!
Bring me ALL of them. 
It is my favorite. 
Trevor is better with toddler-aged children than the younger babies.
But we both struggle with the 3-year old age.
I bet most people do. 
Its emotional, stubborn, strong-willed, and exhausting. haha

For me, the hardest part is the type of play. 
I love to color, read books, build things, and play games.
But playing pretend is almost torturous. 
And that's all Piper wants to do right now. 
I'm OK with it sometimes, 
but it is a struggle for me.
And I know its frustrating for Piper because she just wants to pretend all the time.

So, what do you do when you're in a phase that's hard? 
I find I"m more impatient and frustrated than ever.
And its not always because of her behavior and attitude, 
but its also because of me. 
The main solution for me is lots of playdates.
Little people love to pretend together. 

But really? 
Does anyone have any advice? 
Because if I have to play barbies or doctor or something again, 
I feel like I might scream haha!

She sure is beautiful! 
And I love her like crazy!

Being a mom is hard work! 

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