Monday, July 18, 2016

life lately: July 2016

July has been crazy busy and fun!
We've had lots going on and its been fun!

We went to my cousin's baby's blessing on Sunday.
I think that picture above is the first photo of the 4 of us in a very long time!

Hayley's avocado mustache!
I wish she would eat in a bib. haha

Waiting at the doctor is tough. 

Piper took swimming lessons for 2 weeks in July. 
She lucked out and happened to have one of her little buddies from preschool in her class!
It was so fun to see her every day!
And I loved getting to chat with her mom!

Sadly, the lessons didn't go so well. 
She mostly just wandered around the pool haha
Maybe next time! 

She's been waking up crazy early the last few weeks! 
Most of the time before 5 am. 
Its been rough for all of us! 
I took that picture on the extremely rare day that she slept until 9!
It was magical! 

I can't believe how busy this month has been or how fast it has flown by!
And we still have the beach to look forward to! 
I'm so excited to take the girls to the beach!

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