Wednesday, January 4, 2017

2017 our year for ORGANIZING!

Life is super busy for us. 
Trevor is home and working on school right now and not working a paying job. 
I'm working close to 5 small jobs including running a violin studio 
of over 20 students.
Its absolutely NUTS.
I can barely keep up sometimes. 

So I decided to try and simplify and organize EVERYTHING!
And I made it our theme for the year:
2017 our year for ORGANIZING
Most of this is really easy, and I bet everyone else has thought 
of it on their own, but I had some ideas that we are trying and thought
that I'd share here in case anyone is looking for ways to make their life 
a bit easier too! 

If you're interested in reading more, click the button below. 

OK. So I'm going to divide these ideas up so it makes sense.

1. Food. Dinner time is a BIG struggle around our house. I teach every evening until at least 5:30 but usually its closer to 6:00. Everyone, especially Hayley, is a mess when I'm finished teaching. In the past, I've tried to do lots of crock pot recipes or make ahead things, but my lack of organization and planning was really getting in the way of this. So I'm changing it up. We are having a food schedule. Here it is: 

SUPER simple, right? But this way I won't have to think too hard about dinners, and my meal planning and groceries will be a breeze! We will change things up a little. Like on Mondays, we will do tacos, or enchiladas, or taco soup.... Simple, but still different! It will likely end up being close to the same thing every week just to keep it easy. 

I've also started spending part of my Sundays doing some serious meal prep. Cooking chicken, ground beef, breakfast things. Anything to make the rest of the week so much easier. 

2. Cleaning. With Trevor doing school, mostly from home, things have been extra chaotic. He has lots of work to do, but so do I. So we've decided to break up the cleaning between us a bit more. We switch off every night on dishes, and I've made a new laundry schedule. Usually all this stuff just sits in my head and I just do it, but with it written down and scheduled out, hopefully we can really combine our efforts and be more organized. 

3. Budget.  In the past we've always had a monthly budget. Its been tricky for us to stick to at times, but we are getting better and better at it. But last week I found this blog Fun Cheap or Free and I became obsessed! I watched so many videos and read tons of posts! I like so many of the ideas for planning and organizing, but I mostly love her budgeting things. She has this envelope system and a weekly budget system instead of monthly. It makes so much sense! Go check it out if you need some inspiration. haha

4. Schedule. I've spent the last few days really organizing our calendars. I put in ALL our family birthdays, made sure all my violin lessons and job things were accurate, and scheduled regular date nights and family dates so we can be sure they happen. I also assigned people to the dates so that it rotates for whoever is in charge. I went through some local community calendars and added some fun, free activities that we can plan for especially during the summer months. 

That's the basics. We are just trying to organize and get a little more control in our lives. Hayley is a tornado and its hard enough to keep up with the two of them, let alone all the jobs that I'm doing along with Trevor's school. 

Let me know what you do to try and stay more organized! I'm always looking for ideas! 

And don't forget to check out Piper Prints 
for some cute home decor! 
Every purchase helps my sister and I more than we can say! 
Thanks in advance for your support. 

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