Monday, January 23, 2017

Piper in Ballet

Piper started Ballet!
She LOVES to dance and has since she was a tiny little thing. 
We've debated for a while about starting dance, 
but I found a great little class and she is doing wonderfully!
She sometimes struggles with following directions (with me) 
so I've been BLOWN away at how well she is doing.
When her class is over, she always runs back in to give her teacher 
a big hug and say "thank you"
She's SO sweet!

I love my Piper more than I can say! 
She's such a special girl. 
She pushes my buttons and breaks all the rules...
but occasionally she surprises me!
I love the little person she is growing up to be. 
She's thoughtful and observant
and full of enthusiasm!

I sure do love her and I love watching her grow and learn new things!

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