Sunday, October 26, 2014

sleep regression

We've been battling some major sleep regression the last 2 weeks or so.
Boy, it is rough. 
Piper used to go down around 7 and sleep for 12 hours. Sometimes more. 
Now, its a dream if we can get her down before 9. 
And she's up between 6 and 6:30 every morning.
We are worn out!

And then she's exhausted so she's grumpy ALL day.
And won't take a nap. 
Its pretty much horrible.

Anyone have any weird advice? 
I feel like we've tried everything that I can find online. 
I will try ANYTHING to get through this. 

Trevor and I are both at wits end. 
And to top it all off, Trevor hurt his lower back and can't bend over, twist, or much of anything.
And I tore something in my foot/ankle. Not sure what, but I'm in pain and its awful. 

Pretty much, October has turned out to be a rough one. 

But we have had some good times... 

Piper singing the ABC's haha

But we are looking forward to a fun Halloween week!
I just need to finish up Piper's costume. 

Happy Halloween week!! 

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