Sunday, November 9, 2014

the last little week (or so)

Isn't that a silly video of Piper!
We can't help but get a kick out of her little voice. 
She's adorable.
and noisy. haha

We've had some pretty usual days around these parts lately.
Just violin lessons, school, work, and some fun play dates.
The usual.
But its always fun.

 Here are some pictures:

 We finally switch Piper into a toddler bed.
She's pretty excited about it, but so far, she isn't sleeping in it.


The picture above is actually little Trevor.
He and Piper look so much alike! 

Making Christmas ornaments.

Fall isn't my most favorite time of year...
it means that winter is coming. 
And then everyone in my house has freezing cold hands.
But I do love all of the colors!

 That's about it from us this time!

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