Sunday, May 18, 2014

our little girl

Our little Piper is such a joy. 
I know that she's basically all that I talk about around here, 
but she really is the best! 

The other morning, we pulled her in bed with us and she gave me a huge snuggle 
and said, "I love you, mommy!"
And did the same with Trevor.
It melted my heart!
She is seriously the kindest and most loving little girl!

Love my little rock star!! 

Lately, she's been really into "needing" things. 
When we're driving, she "needs" the Elsa song. 
And every single morning, she tells me how badly she needs a puppy dog. 
It sounds exactly like, "mommy, I need a puppy dog!"
So adorable!
We still can't believe how much she can talk. 
Its so nice!
She hardly ever has tantrums anymore because she can tell me what's wrong.

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