Sunday, June 1, 2014

this little week: end of May

What a week we have had at the Lewis house.
Its been tough emotionally and physically for all of us.
Well, maybe not for Piper.
She's been a blast and we can't get over how much fun she is!

First, I want to put in a plug for my doctor's office. 
With this pregnancy, I was seeing Valley OB/GYN in Provo.
I really loved all of the doctors that I met and the whole staff over the last couple months.
But, really, everyone was AMAZING and so helpful while we were dealing with our loss.
And they sent those gorgeous flowers pictured above.
I couldn't recommend them more! 
I've had to call and talk to the nurses and doctors a few times this week 
and they have been so helpful, kind, and considerate. 

If you are pregnant, or trying to be pregnant and live in Utah county.
You should be going to Valley OB/GYN.
They have offices in Provo and Orem 
and they are just so great! 

Also, I want to give a major shout out to our ward.
We have only been here for a few months, but we really feel like we are part of a family.
Many of the ward members have called me, brought flowers, and meals.
We are so appreciative for everyone's generosity! 
It is so great to be a part of such a supportive ward and neighborhood.
We know that we moved here for a reason and are so grateful we listened to the promptings of the spirit 
a few months ago. 

We had some great visits from friends and ate way too many French Fries this week.
Piper was so great this week!
She said an 11 word sentence yesterday and talks my ear off everyday!
Its pretty funny because she never really throws tantrums,
she mostly just argues with me.
It is so great that she can talk so much! 
I don't know what to do with little ones when they can't tell me what they want. haha

Thanks again to everyone for all the kind words and love and prayers.
We have felt a great deal of extra strength this week and are so grateful to have such a wonderful family
and friends. 
I wrote about my experience and everything that happened to us last weekend.
I'm not sure that I'm going to post it publicly, because it is so personal.
But, who knows. 
I also feel like someone somewhere can benefit from the knowledge that we gained through 
our experiences. 

Well, that's all. 
I hope that everyone has a great week! 

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