Sunday, August 24, 2014

our little week

Piper and I all ready for a little family ice cream date!

Just some crafting at our house.
I'm working on a bunch of finger puppets for Piper.

Yummy, yummy food!!

I've been spending a lot of time with my violin the past few days
getting ready for an audition.

Piper climbing out of her crib.
She usually just gets up here and yells for help 
because she's too scared she's going to fall.

I went to a fun craft night at a friend's house this week.
We made menu boards for our kitchens.
I'll have to post a picture of mine next week.
(I'm too lazy to get off the couch and do it now. haha)

As usual, we've had a fun week around these parts!
and we are excited for the coming week.

and happy weekend!

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