Wednesday, August 19, 2015

bridal veil falls

Just the other day, we ventured out as a family of 4 to bridal veil falls. 
I know, I know... not 
very exciting, but going anywhere with 2 kids 
is still taking some getting used to for us. 

We had a nice time walking around and the weather was perfect! 
We went the day before school started around these parts, 
so there weren't a lot of people there, which was nice for me. 
Trevor and Piper had lots of fun climbing on the rocks in the water 
while Hayley and I stayed safe on the bridge.

Here's a few pictures: 

I'm not the most "outdoorsy" person, 
especially right after I've had a new baby.
So this little walk was perfect for me!

Can you spot Trevor and Piper there at the bottom of the falls? 
They had sooo much fun!

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