Thursday, September 10, 2015

st. george

We decided, kinda last minute, to take a little trip down to St. George UT 
last weekend. 
We found a great deal on a hotel down there and 2 nights was perfect for us.
We drove down Sunday after church and came back Tuesday. 
We went to Snow Canyon Tuesday morning with Grandpa
and went on a little hike with the girls.
We enjoyed swimming at our hotel and our Aunt and Uncle's house.
It was a TON of fun!
And the girls were so awesome! 
Piper was a total blast to be around and Hayley was a trooper eating and sleeping on the go!

Here's some pictures: 

Kolob Canyon (above) 
We drove up the canyon on our way back home. 
Trevor and Hayley slept through most of it 
and Piper doesn't have much appreciation for big red rocks :) 
so I enjoyed it by myself haha!

The St. George Temple. 
It was SO hot while we were there... Piper was a mess. Poor girl!
But it sure is gorgeous! 
And that blue sky is amazing!

Our smiley babe!
She rocked this trip! 
She was pretty hysterical on the last hour or so of driving
because she was SO sick of her car seat, 
but the rest of the time, she was awesome!

Climbing a petrified sand dune in Snow Canyon. 

Hayley and I had lots of extra snuggle time on the trip.
She LOVES being carried in the bjorn,
And I love having her so close! 

Piper building sand castles with Grandpa. 
Grandpa Richard came down last minute, too!
We loved spending Monday with him! 
And he was a TON of help with Piper when she got tired on our hike. 


 Trevor is a bit out of commission (note the sling...) 
...more on that later... 

That's us in snow canyon!
Check out those white mountains and the black and red rocks!
Its such an interesting place!
And lots cheaper than Zion... and WAY less crowded!
We were so glad we decided to go there instead!

My wide-eyed beauty! 
I can't get enough of this little girl!
She's smiling lots more and "talking" and its a blast!
Piper loves it too! 

Piper on top of the sand dune we climbed. 
She carried her "sand tools" all over that place haha!

It was such a great trip! 
And we really needed it!
I think it was so good for the 4 of us to escape real life for a few days 
and just explore on our own for a bit. 

Southern Utah sure is pretty! 
I for one, can't wait to go back sometime soon!

And my new favorite video of Piper: 

Happy Weekend!!
We are off to the annual Nu Skin Lagoon party tomorrow evening, 
so look forward to that too!

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