Monday, January 25, 2016

hayley: 6 months

Time really just needs to slow down.
I can't believe that our little Hayley is already 6 months old!
How is this happening? 
I'm going to wake up tomorrow and she'll be in highschool.

Isn't she so pretty! 

At 6 months, Hayley is rolling like a champ and no longer hates tummy time. 
She sits for about 10-20 seconds, but is getting better at it 
every day!
She loves to talk and make as much noise as she can.
She loves to watch Piper run around and she always "talks" with 
the sweetest little voice to her Dad.
She isn't too into solids, but we are working on that one. 
She's still up once a night to eat,
but I don't mind too much most of the time.
Naps are a struggle though... we're working on that too.
Hayley still hates her carseat, but I think she's figuring out 
that when she's in it in the car, she gets to go somewhere new.
She's laughing a lot more and is full of fun!
She really doesn't cry a whole lot.
Mostly she does this HORRIBLE high-pitched scream. 
It really is awful and drives us crazy.
But hopefully that's just a phase :) 

Love this girl! 
I can't believe how fast she is growing,
but she is just getting more and more fun!

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