Thursday, June 2, 2016

Life Lately: end of May


I can't believe that its June already! 
My favorite time of the year! 
But we had a really fun and super busy month of May. 
Here are a few pictures:

This baby is always on the go and doesn't like to be held much, 
so when she's in the mood to snuggle, I never want to put her down!

My sister came down for a sleepover
and we went shopping!
I also happened to be hit with a terrible cold, so it was
really nice to have some extra hands around the house while
Trevor was working the weekend. 

Piper had her very first violin lesson 
with her teacher, and my cousin, Brianna. 
(I won't teach my own kids) 
and she did pretty well! I'm excited for her! 

I got to go see Jane Eyre at the Hale Center Theater with 
my buddy Kathryn and my sister in law Steinia. 
Such a fun night and beautiful show! 
We were so sad Carly couldn't make it, but I was glad 
Kathryn could use the extra ticket!

And my dear friend Lizzy was Jane and she was incredible!

And some last day of school pictures with her little best friend, June. 
They are so darling!

It was a busy month, but so fun! 
We are really enjoying the flexibility of summer so far. 
Piper loves not having to rush out the door every morning!

I've more than doubled my violin studio over the last few weeks.
So that's a little crazy.
15 students is a lot and really fun, 
but also really busy.
Its been a fun challenge for me, but the kids make it tricky.
I have help for lots of my lessons though, so that's good. 
I can probably fit in a few more students if you're interested. 
I've decided to take up to 20 students for now. 
So email me! 

Bring it on June! 
We're ready for you!

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