Thursday, June 2, 2016

hayley: 10 months

Well, this is over a week late. 
We've been sick with colds and busy with SO many other things
and I kept forgetting to take Hayley's photos. 

Our busy little babe is 10 months old! 
I can't believe it! 
The past few months have really flown by. 
Too fast! 

Right now Hayley is ALL over the house.
She crawls everywhere. 
And she's pretty fast! 
She'll disappear if you're not keeping an extra close eye on her. 

She loves:
watching Piper
dancing to music
eating just about anything
(she eats TONS!) 
moving everywhere
being outside
her daddy! She's obsessed with him
baths. She's a fish! 

Hayley is such a joy! 
She has a silly sense of humor and has such a sweet little giggle!
We sure do love having her in our family!

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