Tuesday, August 9, 2016

OBX 2016 part 3

Well, here's the last of the beach photos. 
A few family pictures from our last night on the Outer Banks. 

I sure love my people and I'm really lucky to have them in my life! 

Now, if only we can get these girls to adjust back to Utah time.
Piper has woken me up at 4:30 every single morning since we got back. 
I guess its only been 3 mornings, but it feels like a lifetime on very little sleep.
And poor Hayley has been pretty sick and teething. 
Basically, we're doing awesome around here. haha

Now we're gearing up for Carly's wedding on Thursday! 
Its going to be such a wonderful day and we are so thrilled for her and Chance. 
I got to do flowers for their formals and I took a few shots of my own. 
I'll share them after the wedding, but I gotta show you this bouquet! 
I haven't made one in a long, long time, so I am pretty proud of how it turned out. 
And I remembered how much fun it is to put flowers together. 

I added ribbon to the girls dresses tonight and am finishing up the 
little photo slideshow for Carly and Chance tonight, 
making a batch of cookies tomorrow, 
getting Trevor a shirt, and praying the dress I ordered shows up
and fits. haha

Its total chaos, but so fun! 

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