Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Little Updates: Hayley Edition

Our little Hayley is as spunky as ever!
She won't answer to her name, ever. Or she yells 
"No I'm BABY!" 
So, that's fun. haha
But she's wonderful and silly!

Hayley and Piper are getting along so well!
They play together all day! 
It is so fun to watch their relationship grow. 
But Hayley is a stinker and likes to pull Piper's hair 
and hit her when she gets frustrated. 
Not so fun. 

Hayley loves to help me in the kitchen.
But I think she loves coloring and painting the most!
She's almost always carrying around a pencil or crayon and some paper.
Its really sweet!

She is still a bit tricky to understand sometimes, but my favorite words and 
things she says are:
I'm happy 
(Her response to not needing or wanting something that is offered. SO CUTE!)
daddy aaaah wuk? (Daddy at work?)
"Weh ah you?" (Where are you?)
And I adore the way she sings. 
But she still HATES it when anyone else sings!

Love this girl!!

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