Thursday, May 22, 2014

on feeling normal

Being pregnant with a toddler at home has been much harder than I ever anticipated.
I crash at about 2:00 every afternoon, and if I'm not in bed around 10:00 pm 
I am a complete mess the next day. 

Thankfully, the sick feelings are gone and I can function much better than I was able to those first few months.
But I've still felt so off my game for the last few weeks.
I haven't felt like I've been able to keep up with much of anything.
There is laundry EVERYWHERE! haha

But, on Monday of this week, things got better.
Much better.
I've actually been able to keep up with Piper, cleaning, all my violin lessons, 
and other things I've been feeling behind on. 
Its nice to feel more in control again and not so icky.

We are getting close to seeing our new baby! 
I'm so excited to see his/her little profile and tiny fingers and legs.
Not to mention, we get to find out if it is a boy or a girl!
We are pretty sure that its a girl, but we would be so happy either way. 
I've been feeling the new baby wiggle a bunch lately, which is easily the best part!
I can't wait until the babe is bigger and Trevor and Piper can feel kicks and rolls.
Its just so fun!

Its been so nice to have a few days feeling good! 
I think sometimes people forget how weird women can feel when they are pregnant.
Hope this "normal" phase lasts longer than just this week.

I can't get over how fast this baby is growing!
She's just SO big and says so many things! 

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week! 

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