Wednesday, June 25, 2014

my first time calling the police

A few days ago, I was driving home when I saw a little boy, about 2 years old, 
crossing the street near an elementary school in our neighborhood.
I couldn't see any parents near by,
so I called the police.
I went and played with the little boy until the police, and his parents, showed up.
Luckily everything worked out!
The little boy had crossed 2 fairly busy streets to make it to the playground.
I can't believe he didn't get hit by a car!
But mostly, I can't believe that I was the ONLY person that stopped. 
Everyone kept driving by....
That's the one thing that I couldn't get over.
and I am so so glad that I stopped!
I really hope someone would do the same for me if my little Piper escaped.

What a crazy day and week we've had!

Right now we are starting to get ready for the big family beach trip!
North Carolina here we come!!
Its been 4 years since Trevor and I have been and I can't wait!
It will be so fun to take little Piper with us.
 I'm pretty terrified about flying with a 2-year old,
but I just can't wait to get there!

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