Friday, June 6, 2014

our little week: first week of June

Well, thanks everyone!
We've been overwhelmed by the response to my last post.
I'm really so grateful to everyone who reached out to our little family.

I wasn't sure how people would react, and, honestly, it feels really good to have been so
public with our experience.

In other news, Trevor has officially started school!
I'm so proud of him!
It has really been an intense couple of weeks for us,
so I'm proud of him for sticking with everything and working so hard!

Piper sure is keeping me on my toes these days!
She is such a blast!
We just wish she would stop taking all of her clothes off when we put her down for
naps or bedtime.
We've done the whole backward PJ's and extra layers and things,
but she is a serious escape artist.

The exciting news is we turned Piper around in the car and got her a nice new chair!
She LOVES it!
The first time I put her in the car for a drive, she kept saying "wow" and "I love it"
Now, she asks to go on car rides, and she hated them before.
I also have a little backseat driver on my hands.
She points out ALL of the traffic lights and tells me when they turn green.
She also bosses me around about the music we listen to and when I should be dancing.
Its pretty hilarious!
and extremely distracting!

I painted this pitcher at Color Me Mine over the last few months.
I love the way it turned out!

The first front facing car ride! 

My feet after a violin lesson this week.
There were stickers all over Piper's legs and my feet.

That's pretty much what happened this week!
Piper had a little sleepover with my parents for night
and Trevor and I enjoyed a couple episodes of season 3 of Sherlock.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
We plan on spending lots of time outside playing together.

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