Thursday, July 3, 2014

aquarium trip numero dos

Piper and I headed to the aquarium today with all the cousins.
It was super fun!

We had so much fun seeing all the fish and being with family!
Honestly, I spent most of the time wresting with or chasing Piper.
It was SUPER crowded and I was so worried that she would get lost.
She's just so little and it makes me nervous.

But Piper had a blast and kept talking about all the fishies on the drive home.
She loved the zoo a few weeks ago, but I think she likes watching fish more.

Its been so fun to have Trevor's sister and her kids in town!
They live way too far away!

Off to the next adventure soon!

1 comment :

cristy said...

Fun! I also wish Jami lived closer my little kids love having cousins their age around.
Have so much fun at the beach!