Monday, September 29, 2014

little Piper

Our little Piper has started saying the funnies things. 
Kids are the best! 
Here are a few of my favorites:

Whenever she's having fun, she always says,
"This is the best ever!" 
So funny! 
She says it when we are at the park, 
running around outside, and even when she is just playing with the 
light switches. Silly girl.

Anytime I call her anything other than her name, like 
"Silly Goose" or "Kiddo" or any weird nickname I can come up with....
she always gets so upset and says, "No I'm not kiddo. I'm baby Piper."

Piper loves to make me laugh. 
Whenever I'm trying to teach her something, or have a serious talk about something,
she always tries to do something to make me laugh.
Lately, when I put her to bed, I lay down next to her crib to sing her some songs.
She always demands a new song that she hasn't heard before.
I'm quickly running out of material :) 
but the part that always gets us laughing, is when Piper reaches her hand out of her crib
and grabs my nose.
For some reason she thinks its hilarious.
Her little giggle always gets me laughing too.
Bedtime has turned into possibly the most favorite part of my day,
and not just for the obvious reasons.

We are on a little bit of a first name thing right now.
Well, its actually left over from the beach. 
She got so used to hearing me called, "Rebecca." I guess.
Its funny because whenever we are at the store or around new people, 
she always points at me and says, to her new friends, 
"This is Rebecca." 
So funny!

Don't get me wrong, 
there are still the typical tantrums.
You know, over things like how Piper wants her turn to drive the car
or to go on an elephant ride.
I hate having to break her heart and tell her she can't....
And she gets REALLY mad.
But Trevor and I always laugh about it later.

And yesterday while we were getting ready for church, 
she told me that I looked like a "princess like Elsa" 

Little girls are the best and I just love every minute I get to have with my little girl.

Can't they just stay little and fun forever!
I am so lucky to have such a great little girl to spend my day with.
She really is a dream. 

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