Thursday, February 12, 2015

family bowling

Last weekend, we decided to go do something fun as a family.
Just the 3 of us! 
We only have a few months of that left, so we
are going to try to make the most of it!

So, we went bowling! 
It was really fun! 
We love going to the Provo Beach Resort and playing and we had lots of fun 
as usual.

We had lots of fun! 
And grabbed some dinner and just enjoyed being out and playing together.
Our weekends are usually pretty mellow with Trevor getting school done.
We don't get out tons, so this was lots of fun for all of us! 

Sorry I've been a bit absent in the internet world lately.
I'd blame it on the pregnancy, but its mostly just lazyness. haha

But, we did hear new baby's heartbeat yesterday! 
What a relief that was for me!
Last time, at the same doctor appointment, was when 
we didn't hear a heartbeat....
so I was pretty nervous going into it.
But everything is great! 

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