Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Life Lately (from my iphone)

 Well, things have been pretty normal around here.
Not much to blog about.
And I haven't really felt up to it.
We've been passing colds around between the 3 of us for the last month,
and Piper got a yucky stomach bug a few weeks ago too.. 
But we're alive!

Piper and I went to the aquarium with our sweet friends Kathryn and Ashley!
It was so fun!
We love the aquarium... just wish it wasn't so expensive! 

Just wearing some pretty pink lipstick....
Right after I took this photo, she rubbed it ALL over her face.
It took forever to get all that pink off her face and hands haha!

Trevor and I played our first concert as part of the Timpanogos Symphony Orchestra (TSO).
It was a LONG weekend with lots of music, 
but it was really fun!
We are lucky to be able to do this together.
It is tricky with Piper and sitters and things, but we are doing our best to make it work.

I took Piper to see Big Hero 6 in the movie theater.
We only lasted about 30 minutes before she got up and walked out of the theater.
She said it was too loud and wanted to just watch it at home. 
Oh well!

We've been getting some snow around these parts (finally).
I'm missing those warm February days though.
And I'm not exactly sure what to do when we are stuck inside all day. haha

That's about it!
We are staying busy with the usual violin lessons and Trevor's long work hours.

Piper is really starting to push some boundaries and is starting to drive me a little nuts.
We started a chart and she gets stickers for good behavior and all that.
So far, 2 days in, it seems to be helping.
At least she is more obedient and I don't have to tell her things more than once.
So that's good.
2 year olds.... they are tough. And exhausting! hahaha
She never stops moving and it gets tiring for us as her parents. 

The little babe in my belly is good! 
Nice and wiggly at night! 
Its such a relief to feel regular movement and calms my nerves every time.
We will go in for our 20 week (HALF WAY!!) ultrasound next week! 
I'm so excited! 
We decided to find out if we are having a boy or girl.
I have NO clue!
I thought Piper was a boy, and was convinced our little boy was a girl.
So, yeah... hahaha

But if you have any guesses, let us know! 

and Happy March to you all! 
We're getting close to June! Hooray!

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