Tuesday, September 29, 2015

rainbow baby

After we lost our little baby boy last year, 
I learned that the baby following a loss is called a "rainbow" baby.
I thought that was so sweet, but now that my little rainbow baby is here, 
it has such a deeper meaning for me.

Losing our little baby was an awful experience.
I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Ever.
And I think I struggled more than I was willing to admit to myself, or anyone else.
It was sad. Really sad.

And then to have such a hard pregnancy with Hayley, 
I was just so tired of feeling so crummy emotionally and physically.

Now that she is here and has been here for a while, 
she truly is my "rainbow baby!" 
She has brought such a light into my life and all our lives. 
It almost feels as though the horrible storm of the last few years has passed 
and she is our "rainbow."

Don't get me wrong. 
I forgot how hard having a newborn was.
Lots and lots of crying and sleepless nights...
But she's amazing! 
Especially now that she seems to have grown out of her reflux and
is into some great patterns.
But even the harder times aren't that hard. 

I sure love my little "rainbow baby!"
She has changed my world for the better and I'm so lucky to be her mom.

And Piper's mom, too! 
What amazing little girls I have!

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