Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Little Updates

It sure seems like all I'm doing is posting little life updates around here. 
We've had a really busy few weeks, but SO fun!
Piper is loving school and wishes she had it every day 
and Hayley is keeping us on our toes. 
She sure is busy and silly!

My sister, Madeleine, came and played with us and slept over!
We had so much fun and were so sad to see her go. 
I really miss her living closer to us, but we still play often. 
My girls LOVE her!

Piper and I have been having so much fun working on halloween crafts.
I wanted to do one every day for the whole month. 
Sadly, I burned out really quickly.... and we've only done 4. 
and its the 12th. haha
But we have some more coming up soon. 
I'll do a special post about that later. 

Trevor is working hard on school and is doing really well!
I'm so proud of him! 
He's super smart and I know he's going to do great things for us all!

I'm busy with a full violin studio, a little photography business, 
and a new venture with my sister!
(More on that coming this week!) 
Its crazy and fun and lots and lots of work. 
Sometimes I feel like I'm barely keeping up,
but we are getting used to our new schedules and 
we always find ways to have fun. 

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