Monday, October 3, 2016

life lately: end of September

We've had a fun few weeks!
Piper is loving preschool and we are enjoying this fall weather.

Hayley is our resident cereal thief. 
She helps herself to cereal in the cupboard pretty often. 
She just carries it around the house pulling out handfuls and dropping 
half of them. haha

We really enjoyed conference this past weekend.
I didn't hear much (kids...) but I always enjoy setting aside the time to 
rest and listen to our church leaders. 
I am looking forward to when the printed talks are available.
And I've been re-listening to a few of them on my own.
I enjoyed so many of the talks!

Entertaining kids for a few hours with quiet activities sure is tricky.
But we colored, painted, and did some other crafts. 
And snacks. Lots and lots of snacks!

Piper and I are starting on a new little adventure this month. 
We are trying to do a craft a day until halloween. 
Due to scheduling, we've already missed a few days.
But be on the look-out for some of our pinterest-inspired crafts.
Hopefully she continues to have fun! 

Happy October!

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