Monday, November 14, 2016

life lately: november 2016

We've been enjoying the fall weather lately.
Its been so nice out!
We're supposed to get snow later in the week, and I'm not looking forward to it.

This Hayley of ours is just too fun!
She's also a grouch sometimes, but that's OK.
She just wants what she wants. haha

And we are back into our crafts again.
We used q-tips to make indian corn. 
Piper loved this one! It was SUPER easy!
And hopefully I will get my act together and we will do some more fun ones this week.

November is birthday month for us! 
Trevor's is the 21.
And mine is the 30th.
It sure keeps us busy having both our birthdays right around 
Thanksgiving, but its fun!
Lots of family time! 

Piper had the stomach flu last week, but she is doing lots better.
It made for a few sleepless nights though. 
Between daylight savings, the election, and Piper getting sick,
it was a LONG week, that's for sure! 
But we survived!

We have some new things up in our shop
Go check them out! 
Most of our prints are only $10 and we ship them directly to you for free!

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